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Watch Online Kanthaswamy Dts Free 1080 Utorrent

A film that tells about a man, who was born in a poor family, but he has the energy of 10 ordinary men. He always wanted to be a great entrepreneur and his ambition led him to become a businessman. His main objective is to get enough money so that he can buy land and build hospitals or schools for the poor. In this movie, Kanthaswamy's goal is not gained from greed or anger but from love and determination. He dreams of making life easier for himself and his friends so they wouldn't have to go through what he did when he was growing up. He works in a tea shop in the morning and in the afternoon he is working in a scrapyard. He is loyal to his friends and always helps them when needed. He then learns that there will be an auction for some land that he once lived on, but was forced to leave after the tsunami of 2004 when it destroyed his home. He bids on the land and wins by paying almost all of his life savings. The auction takes place with Kanthaswamy's friends coming to bid him good luck. At first, the auctioneer is asking for a high price per square foot too make sure he can sell it at least for double what Kanthaswamy bidded. Kanthaswamy is a proud man and tells the auctioneer he can take his land back as he is not interested in buying at such a high price. The auctioneer, realizing that Kanthaswamy won't back down, reduces the price of the land per square foot till they reach a point where Kanthaswamy can buy it. He pays with his savings and takes home his dream home. As Kanthaswamy is walking towards his home remembering all of the good times he had there with his friends, he sees something moving inside of it. He looks around to see if anyone is watching him. He then takes a big rock and breaks open a window to get inside. He cleans it up, builds a proper bathroom and purchase furniture for all of his friends. After he is finished with his home improvement, he meets up with his friends again to help them build their homes since they are still living in tents. After the successful completion of the project, Kanthaswamy goes back home while his friends continue to live in their makeshift homes. Kanthaswamy returns one year later, but this time it is not to spend time with his friends but to show them how life has changed for the better. He invites them over for dinner where they are served turkey and rice while Kanthaswamy eats prawns curry. The next day, Kanthaswamy goes over to his friends new homes and shows them how his house has grown. They are all amazed by the size of his home and old friend, Chikki, cannot believe that Kanthaswamy paid for it. Kanthaswamy reveals that he will be retiring from working at the scrapyard as he has become a very rich property owner. After that one year, Kanthaswamy leaves the scrapyard with a new beginning as he is now a millionaire property owner. The film's soundtrack consists of 4 songs, all composed by Dharani. Lyrics were written by Dharani and Arun Aruvadaiyan. cfa1e77820

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